Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back at school!

Well just a quick one! i have finished my internship and am back at uni! Sucks sooo bad! Especially since I had a class Monday morning! My worst one out of my whole 4 years at uni... SVR! 2 hours of it! Now I'm filling in time before my last tute from 3-5! Hopefully we finish early and I can take my LAT for in (Limited Authority to Teach) and so I can get relief work as soon as it has been processed... which apparantly is about 4 weeks at the moment! So not fun! Well thats it from me for now but i will add that video clip later and some of the weekends happenings asap... just not today! Sorry!


Nikki said...

SVR!!! Mate, I feel for ya.
Goodluck getting a LAT. Hope it all goes well. xx

Elle said...

SVR - I love it - NOT.... all I can say is... I don't get it!