Tuesday, September 16, 2008

ThE eNd Of A sEaSoN

Well it is the end of the baptist basketball season and Brad and I came out quite well. We both won Best and Fairest for our teams and for the league, which is quite an achievement! I never expected to get it win it for the league. Last year I was 6th so I was in the top ten so I thought maybe I would be lucky and get in the top ten again this year but I won! I was very very surprised! Dale and Chad sent me a message to inform me and I didn't believe them I thought they were joking! So here are my two trophies!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back at school!

Well just a quick one! i have finished my internship and am back at uni! Sucks sooo bad! Especially since I had a class Monday morning! My worst one out of my whole 4 years at uni... SVR! 2 hours of it! Now I'm filling in time before my last tute from 3-5! Hopefully we finish early and I can take my LAT for in (Limited Authority to Teach) and so I can get relief work as soon as it has been processed... which apparantly is about 4 weeks at the moment! So not fun! Well thats it from me for now but i will add that video clip later and some of the weekends happenings asap... just not today! Sorry!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

YSA Car Rally... sorry finally uploading the pics!

Our First stop was to find us something Aisian ... Well.... who knows what Gemma is doing? Maybe an aisian monkey! lol